This page is for those who wish to either purchase, trade, or sell Ripper-related material over the internet. Please feel free to send any advertisements or requests using the Send Mail link at the bottom of this page. And always be sure to include where you are situated.
Date: Sat, 20 Apr 1996 22:53:49 -0700
From: Hans Kraayenhof
I'm studying the life and work of (Sir) Robert Anderson. Do you have any material you can share with me? And, perhaps you have some books by him I can buy??
Date: Tue, 04 June 1996 14:09:44 -0100
From: Larry S. Barbee
I'm looking for Alexander Kelly's bibliography on Jack the Ripper -- anyone with information please use the link below to contact me.
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 96 11:13:04 -0700
From: Paul Emmitt
I desperately need Bruce Paley's article "A New Theory on the JTR Murders" published in TRUE CRIME MONTHLY of 4/82! I can't find it in any U.S. library. Thanx for anything you can do.
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